Maidstone Museum

Published on 13 September 2021 at 09:04

A day off and the weather can't make up its mind, so I thought a trip to Maidstone Museum, at least I would be in the dry if the heavens opened with rain. I remember going there when I was much younger, the exhibits have improved and there is more interaction if you have children.

There is a wide range of exhibits from prehistoric Maidstone (LOL) through to clothes of the seventies with Kent local history to worldwide history of the Ancient Egyptians with their own adult human mummy in Kent, ‘The Lady of the House, Ta-Kush, Daughter of Osiris, Pa-Muta; her mother Lady of the House, Shay’.

Her 2,700-year-old mummy was brought to England in the 1820s. This originally had an inner and outer coffin, but only the inner wooden coffin reached the museum in the 19th century. In 1843, she was unwrapped and studied by Samuel Birch of the British Museum, and a local doctor, Hugh Welch Diamond. She was then presented by Dr. Diamond to his cousin, Mr. Charles, whose collections formed the Charles Museum in Maidstone. The Charles Museum later became Maidstone Museum after Charles’ death.

Maidstone Museum is Free to go in except there is a private exhibition at the moment called The Inking woman, which cost £4 per adult which I thought I could see another day. There is parking nearby and shops if you fancy a dress or two. Seeing the Dinosaurs reminds me of the New Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom which I have seen, it was OK but nothing new and predictable, It was more like they had taken a bit out of all the other films and spliced them together.

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