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Just day-to-day chat, thoughts, or observations.


To me, passing is being accepted by society as a woman or a man and able to pass as the opposite sex. When I first started going out, I was very careful about what to ware and was critical on my makeup. I took note on what other women would wear, say if they were shopping, you would need to factor in weather and the time of the year.But I was surprised when out, women were not critical in their appearance as you find out, also remember you are just starting out so do your best! It's OK to make mistakes, you need to learn and correct them.Don't rush it, going out in public is a very big step. You will need a lot of confidence! Start of small! Opening your front door and walking over the step and standing there. Remember to dress accordingly, most start of doing it at night, be careful and be safe.

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Ring doorbells!

My situation is my neighbour has installed a Ring doorbell which looks at my front door! In other words, my neighbour can see what I'm up to, coming and going as Julie.What do you do? The two options are to hide yourself, with coats etc… or tell your neighbour you're transgender?

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Wigs or not wigs?

Without growing my hair long or having extensions, then the only option is a wig! For me, there are two types of wig! A wig that looks like a wig or a wig that looks like hair. If you just want a wig for inside and not going out, then go for a cheap wig. But if you are going outside in public, then go for a wig that looks like hair!If you go outside with a wig that looks like a wig, then you might as well put a hamster on your head! People will look at you and stare at you trying to decide whether it's a wig or not, you don't want that attention as you will become very self-conscious and uncomfortable.But for about £100 you can get a decent wig that looks like hair, treat it like your own hair, even refer to it as hair, it's psychological. But it will give you confidence, and it's part of who you are, enhancing your look.Even go as for to buy the same style and have it in a lighter shade for summer, giving it a bleached look, and keep the darker shade for winter. Don't worry, as women colour their hair all the time.Go for a wig that suites the shape of your face shape, also think of practically, very long hair can get tangled quickly or becomes unruly in high winds etc...For wig care, wash it like hair with shampoo and conditioner, to dry it I roll it up in a towel and twist it to get the water out and leave it to dry on its own. You can use hairspray, but it will become sticky and needs to be washed. I spray mine with Ambre Solaire UV Water to give it more protection and help to untangle it with a wide tooth comb or brush.With colours, it's down to personal preference, go natural close to your original hair colour or go the colour you wanted to be, remember the brighter the colour people will look more.

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Make-up problems

We have all been on YouTube looking at make-up tutorials, looking at perfect flawless make-up on women, then they recommend buying the product, and you buy it and use it, and it doesn't work! WHY! The answer is being trans we have male skin, bigger pores etc...  You need to identify your skin type and with age you need to prep the skin before using make-up. There is no point in me telling you what I use, because we all have different skin, dry, oily, or both, in different areas of your face. It will be a mixture of trial and error to find your perfect skin products, the secret to good-looking make-up is face preparation, from shaving, moisturizer, face scrubs, pore reduction cream, oils, cleanser, make-up removal, primer etc...You will need to have a skin care routine, every day! Even if you're not wearing make -up. This well hydrate your skin and reduce wrinkles, the same can be said for your hands, your hands age quicker than your face! You don't need the most expensive because there is no guarantee it will work, you end up wasting your money, do your homework and read reviews, ask a make-up artist or the make-up assistant for advice, ask them what they use.Also review your skin every five years, your skin changes and the product you have been using doesn't work any more, once you have good skin your make-up will look much better, fewer wrinkles, smoother and use less make-up, which saves you money.

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Ear pierced

Finally, done it, get my ears pierced! It just adds a bit more of a feminine touch. The first thing is to think about is over a few days, I would rush it. Have a look around for a professional service, a lot are offering free ear piercings when you but a set of earrings, but I think more importantly is the after care!

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I have been trying to grow my nails for ages, got fed up with looking at disgusting nails! Bitten and chewed. I find if they look bad, then I will attack them. So if they are looking great then I will leave them alone, that's in theory.

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Beauty in the eye of the beholder

I have been blocked by tvChix for being me, why! I guess some ugley troll who is jealous of me (bitch) can't believe it's me! I like most people do have bad days and some good days, I take hundreds of pictures (I did photography, so I know how to use a camera!) and I just pick the best ones. Plus, I have about 40 years with make-up practice, so I'm not perfect, but I'm able to pass in public.

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Its Christmas Time

I just love this time of year, not just Christmas, but shopping! Looking at all the stuff you want, too, sniffing out that deal. My advice would be, make sure you know your size, and only buy what you need, and can afford. The cheapest is not always the best!

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The Queen

May she rest in peace, the thing I don't get is when the people were queuing to see her coffin, queuing for hours and then just walking past her coffin like it was a shop window, and they kept walking past. Queen Elizabeth II is the last of an era.

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Skin - Makeup

People ask me about make-up, well I am still learning myself to be honest. The first thing to think about is actually your skin, it is where your make-up sits. You need to take care of your skin, very close shaving, preferably with a wet razor. That means shaving in all directions. Then use an aftershave barm to cool the skin and moisturize. You might need a pore filler to make the skin smother.Best not to do your make-up in the bathroom as I find it make your skin sweat. I won't go into make-up as there are plenty of information about it,

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I don't know about you, but I find it ever harder to find the right size and colour in shops. The choice very limiting, I guess I will have to do more ordering online. And with Schools going back, tights are in demand!

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