Penshurst Place and Gardens

Published on 13 September 2021 at 09:40

It was such a nice day who could resist going out and exploring a house and gardens, I don't think I have been before, probably because it's tucked away in the Kent countryside near Tonbridge. It is the ancestral home of the Sidney family, and was the birthplace of the great Elizabethan poet, courtier and soldier, Sir Philip Sidney.

The original medieval house is one of the most complete surviving examples of 14th-century domestic architecture in England. Part of the house and its gardens are open for public viewing. Many TV shows and movies like Merlin and The Others were filmed there. The rose garden is a bit disappointing as they don't have many varieties and more interested in creating a Union Jack, I will just say it has scope for improvement.

I would suggest the best time to visit the garden would be early summer, when the first flush of roses have flowered.


The gardens are nicely laid out, and it cost me £11.50 to go into the house and gardens, the car park is free and there is an option to explore the park which is free.


There are a lot of apple tree's in the garden and this time of year there are wasps and blackbirds eating the wind fallen fruit.

The restaurant was a bit limited on variety of food and the coffee machine was out of order, so you could make instant coffee for £2. After visiting the house and walking around the rooms, I almost forgot about the Toy Museum! It will take about 20 minutes to go around the Museum of the Victorian era, of doll houses and tin solders. Penshurst Place seams to be under the flight path of Gatwick, so also ideal for plane spotters.

The whole experience takes about 3 hours to go around the Penshurst Place and Gardens, unfortunately the maze was not available, as the field they use was being harvested of the crop. After my visit, I went to a pub I knew and had a club sandwich and a coffee. It was a bit messy and had to redo my makeup. You have an option to take a picnic and use the picnic tables, it wasn't that busy and best to go when it opens at 10:30 and the house opens at 12, which you are reminded by the church clock when it chimes.

There is also a play area for all ages of kids, but you have to have a ticket. Overall it's a nice place to visit, once you have visited it that is it.

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