Sunny Winter day at Leeds Castle

Published on 13 September 2021 at 10:20

Well, I thought it was about time to venture out and embrace the Sun! With all that snow we had at the beginning of the month, even stuck at work. We can all put the snow behind us and enjoy the sunny days ahead.

It still feels a bit strange going out even if you have been going out dressed for ages, don't worry you will get back into your stride, I was going to say "Like riding a bike", but you don't want to when wearing a skirt! At Leeds Castle, they have been busy chopping down trees and adding guiding rails to stop people and especially children tramping all over the grass and flowers. Nice to see the spring flowers making an appearance after a grey, dark winter. They are still doing work on the castle, so it spoils taking pictures, have to take more pictures later on.


Managed to break my selfie stick, it was cheap! The telescopic sections will not stay in place so when using it as a mono tripod the camera slowly moves down, ordered a new one on Amazon, had to be careful when checking out as you might accidentally sign up for Amazon Prime, manage to cancel it just in time before they take money out of my account.

Tried out my new Smartphone camera, not impressed with the camera (8 + 2 megapixels rear, front 5 megapixels) quality but was surprised by the settings. I will stick with the Pocket camera for the moment (20 megapixels).


At Leeds Castle, they have a Bird of Prey centre, and they were putting out the Birds and Owls, the ones that are safe to do so! Any excuse to whip out my camera for a photo opportunity! Overall it was a nice day out, need to work on my diet more.


For more pictures, you can visit my Flickr page or Click Here for my MediaFire album.

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