Mount Ephraim Garden

Published on 13 September 2021 at 10:33

Mount Ephraim Garden is near Faversham in Kent. I couldn't resist going out, especially in a dress, I checked the weather forecast, and it did say the risk of showers. It's near the motorway which I missed the sign and had to drive to the next junction which was about 5 miles each way, I was getting concerned as the lanes were getting very narrow, eventually, I managed to find the entrance. I was about an hour early, I was tempted to sneak into the gardens, but I decided to wait.

By that time a few cars arrived also did a shower, I was not impressed as I didn't want to wear a jacket. When it stopped I rushed to the ticket office, there was a kind lady who took my details, it did cross my mind what if they didn't have a card machine? I didn't read anywhere that they only took cash.

The ticket came to £7 with free car parking. Then I started on my journey around the garden happy clicking away, there were a few weeds in amongst the plants, I finally came to the lakes and was surprised that people were fishing, I continued on my way around following the map. I came across the maze, it wasn't that hard, and you can see where people had cheated and cut across the maze.

By now the temperature was climbing up and decided to check out the restaurant, but everyone else had the same idea, so I managed to find a quiet corner in the shade. After a while after finishing going around all the gardens I went back to the restaurant for a coffee and a snack, I went inside, but the member of staff was doing something with cakes which I had to wait, she could have served me and go back to her cakes but didn't, finally I got served and went outside.

I found a table, as soon as I get seated I was greeted by a blackbird, well he was on the table eyeing up my cake. He did fly on to the floor and I gave him some cake, it was quite amusing as he tried to get all the crumbs into his beak, then he would fly low into the hedge to feed his chicks, then a few minutes he was soon back, he must have flown about ten times before I ran out of cake, I think he had more cake than I did. Overall It was quite pleasant, but once you have seen it all, that's it.

For more pictures, you can visit my Flickr page or Click Here for my MediaFire album.

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