Pashley Manor Gardens - Revisited 2019

Published on 13 September 2021 at 10:30

I managed to get a day off work and have a day as Julie, I know it has been a while and the weather is rather wet for a flaming June, well at least the ducks like it. I decided to visit Pashley Manor again, but waited for later on in the season, so I can see the roses in full bloom.

They do have some nice roses, but I would add a lot more. The garden still has some very nice statues, mainly fibreglass, but that is probably because of security and visitors would damage them.


Being a damp/rainy day, there weren't much in the way of visitors, or they were all hiding in the restaurant. Which was fine by me as I had almost the whole garden to myself and a few gardeners doing the weeding.

Well like most things since I last visited the price has gone up to £11, the car park is still free. The ladies loos are still clean, as I had to dry off my camera with the hand dryer. Overall it was a good day out, I would like to go around the House, but it is only open when there is a blue moon, as good as.

For more pictures, you can visit my Flickr page or Click Here for my MediaFire album.

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