Melting at Leeds Castle

Published on 13 September 2021 at 10:48

It's been awhile due to work commitments (working to pay the bills). So I always get apprehensive when I go out as Julie, especially if it hasn't been for a while, then I tell myself you have done it all before. It was very hot day, I felt like and ice cream on the surface of the sun but needed to go out.

I needed to get a new season ticket as mine has just run out, when I got there, being half-term it was quite busy especially when it came to parking, and senior citizen directed me to a parking space, but it was in full sun and I would have liked some shade, nothing worse than going back to your parked card and opening the door and  getting hit by the heat, like getting into an oven, I guess, never fancied getting into an oven of any type.

By this time I had to check my makeup, touch up on a few areas that had started to melt away. Make sure I took all the things I needed before setting off to the office to get a new pass.

When I arrived, I was quite surprised there wasn't a queue for tickets. I was greeted by a very friendly lady who took a few details with a gift aid, I didn't mind the gift aid as she was so nice.

Then I did the usual of taking a few pictured as I walked around the castle and grounds, I did get a shock when I noticed an old boss of mine with his wife when I was in the small court yard with the water fountain. I am sure he wouldn't recognise me, I was thinking of being cheeky and asking him if he would a picture of me, would that be the ultimate test, I wasn't sure if I was that lucky, so I didn't ask, but I did take their picture, one for the album!

I had to make a few pit-stops due to running make-up, almost by the end all the make-up most of been in my shoes! Furthermore, I must try and find a foundation that says put in all weather conditions and mascara. I did find a season ticket which had recently been paid for, and I handed it into the customer service desk, I hope they could trace the owner as it was for £26, so if you get an email from the castle, it was me who found it, my good deed for the day!

I only managed a few hours out in the sizzling sun!

For more pictures, you can visit my Flickr page or Click Here for my MediaFire album.

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