Kent & East Sussex Railway - Tenterden's Steam Railway

Published on 13 September 2021 at 10:51

Yesterday I decided to go in a Steam Train, been before but not as Julie. I thought it would be an experience just me with no car or phone (phone service) and just take a train ride. The trains run between Tenterden and Bodiam with stops at Rolvenden, Wittersham and Northiam in-between, unless you really need too, or you are local.


The parking is free and the ticket office opens at 10am, there was a small queue waiting, but then I saw a coach pull up and joined the queue, the train was at 10:40, and I waited on the platform, decided to go to the ladies which only consisted of five cubicles, so I dashed in and spent a penny. Just wanted to beat the rush of coach people, as I didn't know where they had come from and didn't fancy waiting.


The train arrived and decided to find a seat, the people kept on entering the train, I was surprised how packed it was.


A family join me at my seating table, I was OK with that. The family consisted of two small children and mother and grand par. The Grand par sat next to me and I had the privilege of the two children and mother opposite me.

The child didn't twig that I was TG, and I think the mother had suspicions but didn't say anything. Half the time she was breastfeeding her youngest, which was fine by me as I tried to take pictures of the scenery from a bumpy train on a bumpy track.


As the train went through it's journey of stopping and starting, it was getting hotter by the moment, so I was a bit concerned about my face sweating or more to the point of my make-up falling off my face. So I had a six-year-old in front of me for about an hour, that is quite an experience but not as bad as it could have been. I did get to hear about a joke: Why is six afraid of seven? Because 7 ate 9!, made my smile, it was told to a six-year-old!


The mother did apologise after they got up, but I said it was OK, and it was, the train was packed. So I made my way to Bodiam Castle, there was a pram on the platform with dolls in, wasn't sure why? I made my way along the road to the castle, I wasn't interested in the castle as I went around it back in January this year, more concerned in my make-up or lack of. Nipped into the ladies and put my face back on, I guess a lot of ladies had the same idea hence being busy. 


I did fancy a bite to eat but after seeing the food on offer, half a sandwich is not enough I just had coffee, paid and went outside, managed to find a table, I put the umbrella up and discovered the table was attracting wasps, I left them alone and finished my coffee. I had a nose in the gift shop and looked at their plants on offer. Saw a nice hat, but it was too small.


I thought I would catch the next train before the hordes caught the last two trains, and it would give me room and time to take more pictures. On the way back there was a train full of people having a fish and chip supper, this seems to be very popular coming in the opposite direction from which we had to stop for. When I arrived back in Tenterden Station I had a walk around snapping away. I then decided to visit Tesco, just down the road, and get food there. After sitting in the car in the Tesco car park eating my lunch, I then drove back to Tenterden and go shopping. Parking near the shops is a bit of a nightmare, but managed to find a spot and walk the rest of the way.


I went into Boots the chemist for some new lipstick and visited a few shops but nothing caught my eye, looking for a few new tops. Went back to the car and drove home, had to make a detour as the in-thing is to close roads all over the place without any work being carried out!


For more pictures, you can visit my Flickr page or Click Here for my MediaFire album.

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