Festival of Flowers - Leeds Castle 2019

Published on 13 September 2021 at 11:00

Well I managed to go and see the festival of flowers at Leeds Castle, I did go last year but not the first day. Well, to be expected it was jammed packed! Managed to find a parking space under a tree for shade and near the entrance. There wasn't a queue at the entrance which was a surprise, as soon as I got through I headed straight for the Castle as I thought there was going to be a queue, and I was right there was a queue, and it took about 45 minutes to get in. The couple in front of me gave in as they had children, which is understandable. There wasn't much interest for children!

As I entered the Castle, the queue still went on, they were letting parties of twenty through at a time. The flower arrangements were very beautiful, the public could judge for a winner, the amount of time and cost most of been unbelievably high, must be running into thousands.

I managed to take a few pictures without having a bobbing head or elbow in the way. There was always people in the way, stopping a chatting in groups, queue-jumping etc..

I do have a soft spot for roses, the smell is heavenly in the air. There were some very bright bold colours combinations which caught my eye, good for a party but not every day.

As I travelled from room to room the queue got less, even on the first day some plants were struggling to look fresh, maybe it was the heat, it was a very clear day and got hotter as the day went on. After the castle there was a flower show, well a group of stalls selling wares, there was a flower display, probably by that famous Dutch flower arranger as last time. I didn't stick around as it was quite hot. They were serving food if you are willing to pay the price. Afterwards walking around having a good old noise I'm heading for the Garden to find a quiet spot to have a sit down and rest my legs. 

Well, I just survived the queue and the kids running around the Castle grounds being a Saturday as well. As I said before I think it's best to go on the first day even if there are queues as the flowers are fresh, the event is on all week, they do put new flowers in to keep the display going, but you can't help but notice the odd flower past it best if you go later on.

For more pictures, you can visit my MediaFire album Click Here.

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