Kent Life - Heritage Farm Park

Published on 13 September 2021 at 10:26

I visited Kent Life - Heritage Farm Park yesterday as it was a nice day, I was going to book online but forgot, and you can only book a day ahead so ended up paying full price (extra £1). I have been before a long time ago and wasn't all excited then, I hope things would have been better. Parking is Free if you can find a spot!

If you have never been before it was a farm called Sandling which was part of Cobtree Manor Estate, it used to be called "Museum of Kent Life" and before that, it was Maidstone Zoo (1935), Still has a lot of monkeys running around, OH! Wait, I meant children! In a nutshell, it's a playground to dump kids, with old buildings dotted around and a menagerie of famish animals.

The restaurant "Dotty's Tearooms" was quite small and expect to queue even when not so busy, if you can find a table inside or out you are lucky. The prices seem reasonable, but I didn't eat there, as I don't want to pay visitors prices. The Kent Owl Academy is based within Kent Life, but there are just cages with Owls and Birds of prey in, no explanation when it was open, not even information or a hut, so I guess you have to look online.

It wasn't the only so-called attraction which was closed! There was a Pink church (Old Cuxton chapel), why it was pink is another question? But if it was on my bucket list, I can cross it off now!


The restaurant "Dotty's Tearooms" was quite small and expect to queue even when not so busy, if you can find a table inside or out you are lucky. The prices seem reasonable, but I didn't eat there, as I don't want to pay visitors prices. The Kent Owl Academy is based within Kent Life, but there are just cages with Owls and Birds of prey in, no explanation when it was open, not even information or a hut, so I guess you have to look online. It wasn't the only so-called attraction which was closed! There was a Pink church (Old Cuxton chapel), why it was pink is another question? But if it was on my bucket list, I can cross it off now!

They do have a herb garden but is quite run down and a vegetable plot but no veggies' insight! Even the Hop garden, which is very rear these days, when I was at school nearly every field was a hop garden, but they have all gone. Not a hop insight, not even a plastic one to show how they were grown. They do have Hopper Huts, but unless you know about Hop picking and the way of life there is no explanation of what they are, to an outsider they might as well of been caves!

I give an example of there was a room of school children and there was a room next to it with an exhibit of hop machinery, but I couldn't see because it was covered with school bags! If I had my way, the animals would be set free and the kids would be caged up! Best to go on a school day if you are not fond of the little monsters.


On leaving, I went to Allington lock, which is just a stone's throw away, not much there to see, it will take all of fifteen minutes, there is the Malta Inn in which hasn't changed much, still dark and dingy even which it changed hands to a Beefeater chain. The only good thing is to be able to sit outside next to the river. So to sum it up, it was a day out but nothing special. I can't say I will be rushing to go back!

For more pictures, you can visit my Flickr page or Click Here for my MediaFire album.

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